“My work with you has helped bring a LOT of outward confusion and chaos into focus. We’ve been able to break down the challenges into separate and manageable pieces that I can tackle one at a time, and by highest priority. We have identified the directions I want to go, as well as laid out pathways of how to get there. I gain clarity with each discussion…still a work in progress, but consistent “progress” sums up each session nicely…thank you!”
– Beth Ann J.
“Thanks for the help and the insight, Joe. You helped me discover and uncover things about myself and my path that I don’t think I would have gotten to on my own. This has got to be your calling”
– Mark S.
“You taught me that I always have control of my life at all times and anything can be changed. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity I had to work with you!”
– Linh L.
“I’ve always had great ambition but found it difficult finding the time and energy to carry the ideas through. Joe has been invaluable to me and I’m now so much more productive.”
– Mike A.
“Joe is a powerful partner. His coaching challenged me to actively engage with my thoughts, uncover my deeper beliefs and take ownership of my choices. He is direct, honest and clearly comes from a place of genuine inquiry and support. Joe helped me level with myself, lean into curiosity and take action towards making an important career and life shift. I am truly grateful for his coaching!”
– Elizabeth W.