Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions about me and life coaching

1. How do we meet?

A majority of my coaching occurs over video conferences or phone calls. Some clients prefer to meet in person. Depending on your location, I’m completely flexible to whatever best suits you.

2. What is the fee for coaching?

My fees vary depending on a number of factors including: corporate or individual clients, new or returning clients and/or number of sessions purchased. Please contact me for details.

Some other bits you should know


What training and certifications do you have?

I’ve completed my coach training and certification with the Co-Active Training Institute. I am in the final stages of applying for the Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) certification. Once attained, the CPCC certification will automatically qualify me to become eligible for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) certification within the International Coaches Federation (ICF). The ICF certification is the only globally recognized professional coaching certification.


What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

In therapy, the primary focus is on healing or fixing an individual who often deals with emotional/behavioral problems. In coaching, the primary focus is on working with a highly capable individual to increase their capabilities and support their evolution towards achieving success in their life. Put another way; I don’t particularly care about how and why you are the way you are today, I care about (and coach you on) you becoming the person you want to be tomorrow.


What separates you from other coaches?

My innate capability to cut through the BS, tell you the things no one else will and hold you accountable when it’s uncomfortable to do so. I’m your coach, not your friend.


How do I know whether coaching will benefit me?

“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.” If you’re not genuinely interested in 1) making change in your life, 2) getting out of your comfort zone and 3) taking some type of action towards the things you want then it won’t benefit you. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting those things - many people don’t - however in order for coaching to be beneficial, YOU have to be willing to do the work.


How do you measure success with your clients?

Another uniqueness to my coaching style is my emphasis on defining and measuring success throughout the engagement. I’ve created some effective resources that put subjective ratings to progress and allow us to revisit, update and measure against during future sessions. With that said, success means different things to different people and a big part of the Foundations work centers around defining what success looks like to you. Regardless of what it means to you, rest assured that we will define it before the coaching engagement begins.